
Lectures in 2015

[Oct 5] Professor Daniel B. Werz (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany) "Domino Reactions with Three-Membered Rings and Triple Bonds"

[April 15] Professor A. Stephen Hashmi (Heidelberg University, Germany) visited our laboratory [HP].

[March 11] Professor Toshifumi Satoh (Hokkaido University) "Polymer synthesis using Organocatalysts(有機分子触媒を用いた高分子合成)"

[March 10 ]Prof. Jeffery S. Johnson (Univ. North Caroline at Chapel Hill, USA)"Symbiosis Between the Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products and New Reaction Development"

[Jan. 20] Professor Valérie Alezra (Université Paris-Sud 11, France) "Non Protainogenic Amino Acids: Synthesis and Applications"