[Award!] Mr. Hirochika Suzuki (M1) was awarded for Fujise Award! (2023.5.26).
[Award!] Ms. Amu Kojima (B3 student) was awarded for Dr. Hiroshi and Kazuko Ogino Award! (2023.3.9)
[Lecture] Professor XiSheng Wang (University of Sciences and Technology of China, China) "Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Fluoroalkylation" on March 9 at Lecture Hall (H-32,大講義室)(2023.3.9)[HP]
[Award!]Mr. Naoya Shinagawa (M1) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch(2022.12.10).
[Award!]Mr. Taishi Nakanishi (D3) was awarded for oral presentation award "Heterocycles Award" in the 51st Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry (2022.9.27)
[Lecture] Professor Senmiao Xu [Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), China] "Chiral Bidentate Boryl Ligand Enabled Iridium-Catalyzed Asymmetric C-H Borylation" on Sep 22 from 15:00 at Lecture room of Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science [HP](2022.9.5).
[Lecture] Professor Todd Hyster "Photoenzymatic Catalysis Using Light to Reveal New Enzyme Functions" on July 4 from 14:30 at Aoba Science Hall (H-04) [HP](2022.7.4).
[Award!] Dr. Azusa Kondoh was awarded for 21th GSC incentive award (2022.6.2).
[Award!] Mr. Hirochika Suzuki (B3 student) was awarded for Dr. Hiroshi and Kazuko Ogino Award! (2022.4.1)
[Award!] Mr. Taishi Nakanishi (D3) was awarded for Best Discussion award in 33th Banyu Sendai Symposium (2022.5.21).
[Award!] Mr. Hirochika Suzuki (B3 student) was awarded for Dr. Hiroshi and Kazuko Ogino Award! (2022.4.1)
Dr. Jun Kikuchi was appointed at Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku Univeristy (2022.1.5)
[Award!] Dr. Itaru Nakamura was awarded for SSOCJ Nissan Chemical Corporation Award for Novel Reaction & Method 2021 (2021.12.27).
[Award!] Mr. Takayuki Hirozane (M2) was awarded for poster award in CSJ Tohoku area meeting 2021 (2021.10.8).
Prof. Ilya D. Gridnev was appointed at N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences(2021.3.31)
Our paper was highlighted at the front cover picture of Angewandte Chemie![HP](2021.3.25)
[Award!] Mr. Kohei Aita (M1) was awarded for poster award in CSJ Tohoku area meeting 2020! (2020.10.2)
[Award!]Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (D3) was awarded for oral presentation award "BCSJ Award" in the 49th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry (2020.9.29)
Our research was introduced by Advances in Engineering [HP] (2020.9.23).
[Award!] Ms. Mai Tachibana (M1) was awarded for Fujise Award! (2020.7.13).
Our paper was selected as one of the top downloaded in Chemistry - A European Journal!(2020.4.30)
Our paper was highlighted at Frontispiece of Angewandte Chemie![HP](2020.4.23)
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (D3) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch(2019.11.29).
Our work was introduced in ChemistryViews! (2020.4.9)
[Award!] Dr . Azusa Kondoh was awarded for The Young Scientists’ Award, the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2020.4.7)
Dr. Azusa Kondoh was promoted to Associate Professor (2020.4.1)
[Award!] Ms. Mai Tachibana (B4 student) was awarded for Tohoku University President Award! (2020.3.30)
[Award!] Mr. Sho Yamaguchi (B3 student) was awarded for Dr. Hiroshi and Kazuko Ogino Award! (2020.3.16)
[Award!] Mr. Kohei Aita (B4 student) was awarded for Hirama award! (2020.3.4)
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (D2) was awarded for poster award in the 9th CSJ festa(2019.12.16).[HP]
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (D2) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch(2019.11.29).
[Award!] Mr. Satoru Nozawa (M1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 66th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan (2019.10.30).
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (D2 student) was awarded for poster award in the 115th Symposium on Organic Synthesis, SSOCJ, (2019.6.4).
[Lecture]Professor Scott J.Miller (Department of Chemistry, Yale University, USA) "Searching for Selective Catalytic Reactions in Complex Molecular Scaffolds" From 3:00 pm on July 4 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.4.16).
[Lecture]Professor Jeffrey N.Johnston (Vanderbilt University, USA) "New Reactions, Reagents, and Strategies to Advance On-Demand Therapeutic Development" From 4:00 pm on June 5 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.4.16).
[Lecture]Professor F.Dean Toste (UC Berkeley, USA) "Organic Reactions Inspired by the Organometallic Chemistry of Gold " From 2:30 pm on June 5 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.4.16).
[Lecture]Professor Wanbin Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) "Asymmetric Hydrogenation From Fundamental Research to Industrial Application" From 2:30 pm on May 25 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.4.16).
[Lecture]Professor Aiwen Lei (Wuhan University, China) "Oxidation-Induced C-H Activation and Oxidative Cross-Coupling with Hydrogen Evolution" From 4 pm on May 17 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.4.16).
[Lecture]Professor Choon-Hong Tan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) "Chiral Cationic Ion-Pairing Catalysis" From 4 pm on Feb 22 at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). [HP](2019.2.8).
[Award!!] Dr. Azusa Kondoh was awarded fro Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists! (2019.1.9).
[Award!] Ms. Kazumi Koda (M2) was awarded for poster award in 11th organocatalysis symposium, (2018.12.4).
[Lecture] Professor Rosario Fernández (Departamentode Química Orgánica, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)"Hydrazones as Key Reagents and Ligands for Novel Applications in Asymmetric Catalysis", Professor José M. Lassaletta (Institute de Investigaciones Químicas, Spain)"Dynamization Strategies for the Synthesis of Axially Chiral Heterobiaryls" (2018.11.19).
[Award!] Mr. Taishi Nakanishi (M1) was awarded for poster award in CSJ Tohoku area meeting 2018 (2018.10.30).
[Lecture] Professor Michinori Suginome (Kyoto University)on Oct. 25 from 3 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). (2018.10.25)
[Lecture] Professor Kei Murakami (Nagoya University) and Professor Masayuki Iwasaki (Okayama University) on Oct. 15 from 3 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04). (2018.10.15)
Our paper was highlighted at Supplementary Cover graphic in JACS! (2018.7.9)[HP]
Our paper was highlighted at Cover Picture in Chem. Eur. J.! (2018.6.26) [HP]
[Award!]Prof. Terada was awarded for Synthetic Organic Chemistry Award, Japan (2017.12.11)
[Award!] Mr. Takuma Aoki (D2) was awarded for poster award in the 7th CSJ festa(2017.11.27).[HP]
[Lecture]Professor Kuo-Wei Huang "A Novel Class of PN3-Pincer Complexes: Cooperative Catalysis and Beyond" on Nov. 13 from 1 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04)[HP](2017.11.13)
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (M2) was awarded for poster award in CSJ Tohoku area meeting 2017, (2017.9.17).
[Award!] Ms. Shiori Akahira (M2) was awarded for Poster Award in Tohoku University Chemsitry Summer School (2017.8.22)
[Award!] Mr. Yoshiharu Oyama (M2) was awarded for Poster Award in Tohoku University Chemsitry Summer School (2017.8.22)
[Award!] Mr. Hiroki Tashiro (M2) was awarded for Poster Award in Tohoku University Chemsitry Summer School (2017.8.22)
[Lecture] Professor Daniel J. Weix (University of Rochester, USA) "Cross‐Electrophile Coupling: Principles and New Reactions" on May 31 from 1 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04)[HP](2017.5.18).
Prof. Terada was appointed as the Dean in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. (2017.4.1) [HP]
Dr. Jun Kikuchi was appointed as an assistant professor in the Terada group (2017.4.1).
[Lecture] Professor Mukund P. Sibi (North Dakota State University, USA "Cooperativity in Catalysis:
A Novel Method for Enantioselective Transformations with Complex Substrates" on Mar 13 from 2 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04) [PDF][HP] (2017.3.13)
Dr. Tienan Jin was appointed as an associate professor in the Terada group (2017.3.1)
[Lecture] Prof. Wenhao Hu(Sun Yat-Sen University, China) "Novel Multi-component Reactions via Trapping of Active Intermediates from Metal Carbenes" on Jan 13 from 3 pm at Aoba Science Hall in Science Complex C (H-04) (2017.1.12)
[Award!] Mr. Takuma Aoki(D1) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch (2014.12.17).
[Award!] Mr. Shigetomo Ito (M1) was awarded for Poster Award, 9th Organocatalysis symposium(2016.12.2).
[Lecture] Prof. Rong-Jie Chein (Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)"Development of Ortho-Directed Methodology""Chiral Tetrahedronthiophene Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis Reactions"(2016.10.7)
[Sendai Mini-Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry]Prof. Ken Kamikawa, Prof. Tetsuaki Fujihara, Prof. Shin Takemoto, Pro. Mamoru Tobisu, and Prof. Hiroto Yoshida. (2016.9.20)
[Award!] Mr. Keisuke Takeda (M2) was awarded for Poster Award in Tohoku University Campus Asia Summer School (2016.8.18)
[Lecture] Prof. Jun Okuda (RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany) "Metal Carbenes in Unusual Environments"@Aoba Science Hall, Science Complex C on May 19 from 1 pm [HP] (2016.5.12)
[Lecture] Prof. Geraldine Masson(ICSN-CNRS, France) "Visible Light Photoredox-Catalyzed Multicomponent Reactions"@Aoba Science Hall, Science Complex C on June 13 from 3 pm [HP](2016.5.9)
[Lecture] Professor Yasutomo Segawa (Nagoya University) "湾曲π共役炭化水素の合成化学 ~まるめて、かさねて、うねらせて~" @4th lecture room (H23) on June 10 from 4 pm [HP] (2016.5.9).
Mr. Feng Li was appointed as a research associate in Terada group! (2016.5.1)
[Lecture] Professor Hideki Yorimitu (Kyoto University) "硫黄の特徴を理解し活用する有機合成" @4th lecture room (H23) on Feb. 16 from 4 pm [HP] (2016.2.16)
[Lecture] Professor Helma Wennemers(ETH Zurich, Switzerland) "Bioinspired Asymmetric Catalysis with Peptides and More" @Aoba Science Hall, Science Complex C on January 18 from 3 pm. [HP] (2016.1.18)
Our paper was selected as Cover Picture of Angewandte Chemie! (2015.12.4)
[Award!] Mr.Feng Li (D3) was awarded for poster award "Chemistry Letters Young Award" in the 45th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, (2015.12.3).
[Award!] Mr. Yusuke Ota (D1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 62th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan (2015.9.30).
[Lecture] Professor Daniel B. Werz (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany) "Domino Reactions with
Three-Membered Rings and Triple Bonds" @Aoba Science Hall, Science Complex C on October 5 from 3 pm. [HP][PDF] (2015.9.1)
[Lecture] Professor Tomislav Rovis "Rh(III) Catalysis for C-H Activation" @Aoba Science Hall, Science Complex C on July 10, from 10 am. [HP][PDF] (2015.7.10)
[Award!] Professor Terada was awarded for Molecular Chirality Award 2015! (2015.6.13)
[Award!] Mr. Shinya Gima (M2 student) was awarded for best poster award in the 26th BANYU Sendai Symposium. (2009.6.6)
[Award!] Mr. Masafumi Oishi (D1 student) was awarded for Poster Award, 8th Organocatalysis symposium(2015.5.11).
[Lecture] Professor Viresh H. Rawal (University of Chicago) "A Unified Strategy for the Total Synthesis of the Welwitindolinone Alkaloids" on March 20th from 4 pm at Aoba Science Hall (H04) [HP](2015.3.20)
Mr. Zheng Ling joined in Terada group from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China as Campus Asia research student (2015.3.18).
[Lecture] Professor Toshifumi Satoh (Hokkaido University) "Polymer synthesis using Organocatalysts(有機分子触媒を用いた高分子合成)" on March 11th from 3 pm at 4th lecture room (H23). [HP] (2015.3.11)
[Lecture] Prof. Jeffery S. Johnson (Univ. North Caroline at Chapel Hill, USA) "Symbiosis Between the Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products and New Reaction Development"on March 10 th from 3 pm at 4th lecture room (H23) [HP] (2015.3.10)
[Award!] Dr. Azusa Kondoh was awarded for Nissan Chemical Industries Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2015.2.19)
[Lecture] Professor Valérie Alezra (Université Paris-Sud 11, France) "Non Protainogenic Amino Acids: Synthesis and Applications" on January 20th from 4 pm at Aoba Hall in Science Complex C (2nd floor of our new building). [HP] (2015.1.20)
[Award!] Mr. Kyohei Kanomata (D3 student) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch (2014.12.8).
[Award!] Mr. Tomohiro Narumi (D2 student) was awarded for Poster Award, 7th Organocatalysis symposium(2014.11.22).
[Award!] Mr. Masafumi Oishi (M2) was awarded for poster award in the 4th CSJ festa, (2014.11.19).[HP]
[Lecture] Prof. Pier Giorge Cozzi (University of Bologna, Italy) "Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity Scales in a Rational Approach towards SN1-Type Stereoselective Organocatalytic Reactions" (2014.11.7) [HP]
[Lecture] Prof. Zhi-Xiang Yu (Peking University, China)"Versatile VinylCycloPropanes (VCP) in Synthesizing Ring Compounds" (2014.10.23) [HP]
Ms. Malin Eriksson joined our laboratory from Uppsala University, Sweden. (Tohoku University, Junior Year Program in English [Link]) (2014.10.1)
[Award!] Mr. Takeru Jo (M1) was awarded for poster award "Chemistry Letters Young Award" in the 44th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, (2014.9.12).
[Award!] Mr. Yusuke Ota (M2) was awarded for Poster Award in Tohoku University Campus Asia Summer School (2014.8.26)
Dr. Norie Momiyama was promoted to National Institute for Natural Science (IMS) as an associate professor. (2014.6.1)
[Award!] Mr. Akira Takei (M1) and Mr. Takeru Jo (M1) were awarded for Fujise Award 2014! (2014.5.19).
Mr. Mao Quan joined in Terada group from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China as Campus Asia research student (2014.5.15).
[Award!] Mr. Kyohei Kanomata (D3 student) and Mr. Takuto Yamanaka (D2 student) were awarded for student presentation award in the 94th annual meeting of the chemical society of Japan. (2014.4.30)
[Award!] Mr. Akira Takei (B4 student) was awarded for Tohoku University President Award! (2014.3.25)
[Award!] Mr. Takuma Aoki (B4 student) was awarded for Hirama award! (2014.3.4)
Mr. Samuel Carlier joined in our group from Univesite catholique de Louvain, Belguim as DiRECT exchange program student (2014.1.22) [DiRECT][HP]
[Lecture] Prof. Suzanne A. Blum(UC Irvine, USA)"Microscopy for Synthetic Chemists and Dual-Metal Catalysis with Gold" (2013.12.19).[HP]
[Award!] Mr. Hideaki Tabuse (D3 student) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Japan, Tohoku Branch (2013.12.17).
[Victory!] We won Prof. Nozoe cup, a baseball championship of our department! (2013.11.11)
[Award!] Mr. Masafumi Oishi (M1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 43rd Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, (2013.10.19).
[Lecture] Professor Paul G. Willard (Brown University, USA) "Discovery of New Organolithium Complexes" (2013.10.2) [HP]
[Award!] Mr. Kyohei Kanomata (D2 student) was awarded for poster award in the International Symposium for the 70th Anniversary of the Tohoku Branch of the Chemical Society of Japan (2013.9.30).
[Lecture] Professor Chi Sing Lee (Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School, China"Development of Bifunctional Lewis Acid Induced Cascade Cyclization and Cycloaddition Reactions for Natural Product Synthesis" [HP]. (2012.7.24)
[Lecture] Professor Jeffrey. N. Johnston (Vanderbilt Univ. USA) "Reagent and Reaction Development in the Service of Complex Target Synthesis: Chiral Proton Catalysis, Umpolung Amide Synthesis, and Case Studies in Therapeutic Development" [HP]. (2013.5.24)
[Lecture] Professor Vincent Gandon (University of Paris-Sud, France) "Cationic Gallium Complexes for Molecular Catalysis" on April 12, 3pm @4th lecture room (H-23) [HP][pdf] (2013.3.9).
[Award!] Mr. Yasunori Toda (D3 student) was awarded for Sendai Seminar Award, Synthetic Society of Japan, Tohoku Branch (2012.12.2).
Ms. Yuanyuan Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ) has joined our laboratory as Campus Asia Visiting Student (2012.12.1).
[Award!] Mr. Kosuke Funayama (M1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 102nd Symposium on Organic Synthesis, SSOCJ, (2012.11.27).
Our communication was selected as Most Cited Articles in BCSJ! (2012.11.26) [HP]
[Lecture] Professor Shu-Li You (SIOC, China) "Catalytic Asymmetric Dearomatization Reactions". [HP]. Professor Peter Kundig (University of Geneva, Switzerland) visited our laboratory.
[Award!] Mr. Kengo Goto (D1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 42nd Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, (2012.10.17).
[Award!] Mr. Yu Kudo (M2 student) was awarded for poster award in the 59th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan (2012.10.17).
[Award!] Mr. Takazumi Komuro (M1 student) was awarded for poster award in CSJ Tohoku area meeting 2012, (2012.9.16).
[Award!] Ms. Chihiro Kanai (M2 student) was awarded for poster award in the 29th seminar on Synthetic Organic Chemistry, SSOCJ (2012.9.12).
[Lecture] Professor Mamoro Tobisu (Osaka Univ. Japan) "Catalytic Transformations of Unreactive Chemical Bonds -from New Cross-Coupling To Heterocyclic Synthesis" August 30, 15:00- @4th lecture room (2012.8.29).[HP]
Our communication was highlighted in the ChemistryViews(Wiley)! [HP] (2012.8.22)
Our communication was selected as Very Important Paper in Angewandte Chemie! [HP] (2012.8.3)
[Award!] Professor Terada was awarded for Nagoya Silver Medal 2012! (2012.6.13)
[Lecture] Professor Nobuharu Iwasawa (TITECH, Japan) "Carboxylation reactions using transition metal catalysts", (2012.5.31).
[Award!] Mr. Kousuke Funayama was awarded for Shin-ichiro Fujise Award. (2012.5.14)
[Lecture] Professor Karl A. Scheidt (Northwestern University, USA) "New Discoveries Using Carbene Chemistry", [HP] (2012.5.14).
Mr. Yasunori Toda (D3 student) was awarded for student presentation award in the 92th annual meeting of the chemical society of Japan. (2012.4.23)
Dr. Azusa Kondo was appointed as an Assistant Professor (2012.4.1).
Dr. Ilya Gridnev was appointed as an Associate Professor (Campus Asia) (2012.3.1)
[Award!] Professor Terada was awarded for SSOCJ Daiichi-Sankyo Award for Medicinal Organic Chemistry 2012.
[Award!] Mr. Yasunori Toda (D2 student) was awarded for lecture award in the Tohoku University GCOE Summer School 2011. (2011.8.19)
[Award!] Associate Prof. Nakamura was awarded for Incentive Award 2010 in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2011.2).
[Award] Mr. Dong Zhang (M1) was awarded for poster award in the 57th Symposium on Organometalic Chemistry, Japan. (2010.12.10)
[Award!] Associate Prof. Nakamura was awarded for Banyu Chemist Award 2010! (2010.11.27)
[Award!] Prof. Terada was awarded for Asian Core Program Lectureship Award 2010, Hong Kong! (2010.11.10)
[Award!] Prof. Terada was awarded for Asian Core Program Lectureship Award 2010, China! (2010.11.10)
[Award!] Mr. Dong Zhang (M1) was awarded for 40th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry! (2010.10.15).
[Award!] Mr. Kyohei Kanomata (M1) was awarded for Fujise Award 2010! (2010.9.9).
[Award!] Prof. Terada was awarded for Mukaiyama Award 2010! [HP] (2010.9.4)
[Award!] Mr. Toru Konno was awarded for poster award in 27th Seminar of the Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2010.9.4).
Ms. Pamela M. Tadross from Stoltz group (CALTECH, USA) visited our laboratory on the occasion of Tohoku University GCOE Summer School 2010 [Photo] (2010.8.17-22).
[Award] Mr. Hideaki Tabuse (D1 student) was awarded for poster award in the Tohoku University GCOE Summer School 2010. (2010.8.19)
[Update] Members: Staff's e-mail address were changed. (2010.7.29)
[Lecture] Professor Vadim A. Soloshonok (The University of Oklahoma, USA) ”First Truly Practical and Unified Approach to Preparation of alpha-Amino Acids in Enantiomerically Pure Form" at lecture room 4, [Photo][HP] (2010.3.4)
[Update] Publications (2010.2.10)
Mr. Kevin Debrus from Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium has joined in our laboratory as a G-COE international student. (2010.2.4)
[Award] Mr. Yasunori Toda (M2 student) was awarded for poster award in the 56th Symposium on Organometalic Chemistry, Japan. (2009.12.17)
Our paper was selected as JACS Select issue #7. (2009.12.16)
[Lecture] Professor Mike Shipman (University of Warwick, UK) "Ring Strained Heterocycles: From New Synthetic Reactions to Natural Products". [PDF][HP][Photo] (2009.12.8)
[Lecture] Professor Yian Shi (Colorado State University, USA) "Catalytic Transformations of Alkenes". [PDF][HP][Photo] (2009.12.8)
[Lecture] Professor Mukund P. Sibi (North Dakota University, USA) "Achiral Templates in Asymmetric Synthesis: Do They Make an Impact?". [PDF][Photo] (2009.11.4)
[Lecture] Professor Qi-Lin Zhou (Nankai University, China) "Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Spiro Ligands". [PDF] [Photo] (2009.10.21)
Ms. Ji Hyun Park joined our laboratory from Seoul University, Korea. (Tohoku University, Junior Year Program in English [Link]) (2009.10.1)
Mr. Toshiharu Araki (M2 student) was awarded for best poster prize in the 20th BANYU Sendai Symposium. (2009.6.13)
Mr. Chikashi Kanazawa (D3 student) was awarded for student presentation award in the 89th annual meeting of the chemical society of Japan. (2009.5.20)
Dr. Itaru Nakamura was promoted to an associate professor (Research and Analytical Center for Giant Molecules). (2009.5.1)
[Lecture] Professor Hisashi Yamamoto gave us a lecture (University of Chicago). [Photo] [PDF] (2009.4.17)
[Guest] Professor Olivier Riant (Cours a l'Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) visited our laboratory. [Photo] (2009.4.17)
Prof. Terada was awarded 2009 Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work! (2009.3.28)
[Guest] Professor Henri B. Kagan (Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France) visited our laboratory. [Photo] (2009.3.18)
[Lecture] Professor Choon-Hong Tan (National University of Singapore, Singapore) gave us a lecture entitled "Chiral Guanidine Catalyzed Enantioselective Reactions". [Photo][PDF] (2009.3.13)
[Update] Publications (2009.3.9)
Mr. Keiichi Sorimachi (D3 student) was awarded Aoba Society for Promotion of Science Award. (2009.3.6)
Mr. Hideaki Tabuse and Mr. Hayato Nishimoto were awarded for Shin-ichiro Fujise Award. (2009.2)
Dr. Itaru Nakamura was promoted to a lecturer. (2008.12.1)
Mr. Naozumi Shiraiwa (M1 student) was awarded for poster award in the 55th Symposium on Organometalic Chemistry, Japan. (2008.10)
Our laboratory was moved from 5th floor to the 7th floor. (2008.1.7)
Dr. Norie Momiyama was appointed as an Assistant Professor. (2006.10.1)
Prof. Isao Kadota, Assistant Professor of this laboratory, was promoted to a full professor in Department of Chemistry, Graduate school of science, Okayama University. [Link] (2006.8.1)
Professor Terada's laboratory started. (2006.4.1)